Friday, May 24, 2013

Boys vs Girls

This week in class we discussed the different roles of men and women. We talked about how we raise our kids different based on their specific gender. With boys we tend to treat them differently and dismiss them from feelings because they are "boys" but then when they turn into men we want them to be sympathetic, thoughtful and caring. It is a double standard. We need to raise our boys to have feelings just like girls. They don't have to express them the same way as girls do, nor should they because we are made differently. I think it is amazing that we are made differently, we are made differently for a reason, it is part of the whole plan. I am amazed of the things I have learned from my husband. I am thankful that he has more of a grasp on things, so that when I get overly emotional he can help me to see the logic behind it and not freak out as much. And then vice-versa I have been able to help him feel more when he is stressed or troubled, and let him know it is ok to have those feelings. Men and women are a great balance and make the best companionship for that reason and many more.

We also talked about how parents now days are diagnosing their children to be "gay" as early as age 4. This is so saddening to me. First of all how can you tell if a four-year-old is heterosexual let alone gay at such a young age? Just because the child might have more feminist or masculine tendencies does not mean they are gay or shouldn't be able to pursue those tendencies. Boys who play with dolls should be able to play with them or girls who play with trucks should be allowed too. It doesn't matter. We need to be careful to not identify our kids and put labels on them like that so young, it is a very harmful for our children. We need to raise our kids with high morals and standards so that when they do become adolescents and start having these feelings they can cope with them better. The world is only going to get worse and they need a strong testimony of the doctrine. If we teach the why in the home they will be more likely to stand up for what they know is right and not be confused. It is vital that we teach this.

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