Friday, June 7, 2013


This week in class we have been discussing marriage. Specifically in the first couple years. There many changes that the couple go through and work through. Even though it is a challenging time it cam be "marital bliss" like everyone hopes for too. Some ways that you can make sure your marriage starts off on the right foot are:

  • Establish roles and responsibilities. When you first get married it is uncomfortable to talk about these type of things, but not talking about them will cause more damage. Distinguish who is going to do what so that one spouse doesn't feel like they are doing the bulk of household responsibilities.
  • Set boundaries for in-laws and extended family. Once you are married, you must break all other ties and cleave unto your spouse. Cleaving means moving away from your parents and establishing that new relationship with your spouse. Your parents now take on a new role. They do not decide what is wrong and right for you anymore, they just encourage now. You and your spouse must cleave and become one. Setting boundaries for in-laws, extended family and even friends need to be set. Your spouse is your main priority now.
  • Talk about intimacy. Husband and wives feel differently about this and there needs to be clear and good communication for this to be a happy thing. Discuss what you like and dislike. Talk about how you like to be turned on, touched, or talked to. Intimacy is not just sex. It is the meaningful conversations that you have, the extended hugs, kisses, hand-holding, ect. Make sure that you know how your spouse shows love and how they like to receive love. You might not realize that how you like to feel loved might not be the same way that they like to be loved. Knowing that will help. Talking and communicating about this is key.
  • Money. Set a budget, and discuss how you guys are going to spend it. This will help a lot of the stress and grief. Don't let it become a problem.
A lot of people today think that marriage stinks, or that it isn't worth it. That makes me so sad to hear. I haven't been more happy in my life than I have been being married. Marriage is the most fulfilling and compassionate relationship. Being married has made me realize so many things about myself. I have become a better person and grown more than I ever could from being single. I now have someone to go through life with and help me with my hardships, trials, and also the good times. If I had the chance, I would do it over again! It seriously has been the biggest blessing in my life. I am very grateful for marriage and the amazing man that I married.

A little trip down marriage lane...

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