Friday, June 14, 2013

Teaching Your Children About Sex

This week in class we discussed sexual intimacy and the differences between men and women. We also discussed how you should discuss sex with your children. I believe that it is very important to talk to your children about sex.

I believe that it is so important for your children to understand the doctrine and principles and the purpose of the procreation power first and foremost. If they truly understand the doctrine behind the Plan of Salvation and the reason we are here on this earth, to create eternal families, then it will be a lot easier for them to understand the applications that go along with that. Boyd K. Packer says it best...."True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. "I love that and believe it to be true. If we teach our children the reason behind things they will be more willing to follow the counsel we give them and the counsel from church leaders.

If you do not teach them correctly about it in the home then they will learn the improper use of the procreation power from the world and other outside sources. I think that having that open communication with your children is very important. It should not be a one-time thing that you talk to them about, you constantly need to be talking to them about it as they grow. When you discuss sex for the first time that doesn't mean it will be the first and last time. Your children will continue to have questions about it as they get older and understand more. That it is why it is so important to have that open communication with your children so that when they have questions throughout their life they will feel comfortable coming and talking to you about those type of things.

Preparing yourself now and how you are going to handle these matters is essential. Discuss with your spouse how you are going to handle these situations BEFORE they happen. Consider it as a "game plan" you wouldn't go into a intense game without having a plan, them same goes for parenting. Knowing how you will handle these questions and being prepared before will help your children tremendously. Being prepared will help you be able to effectively teach and be ready for when that question does come up, because they will, and when you least expect it.

As parents we shouldn't act like it is this "taboo." If we overact or shun the question our kids are going to get the wrong impression. Instead we need to be as calm as possible and address it then and there. If the time and place isn't conducive explain that to your child and say, "that is a very important question, let's discuss that when we get home." Don't drag out the time to talk about it. My parents did this and it really helped. When I asked my mom what sex was she didn't freak out or over react and shun the question. She simply answered and explained it to me like she would how to do a math problem. Her and my father already knew how they were going to handle the situation before it ever came up. Talking about these issues doesn't need to be a scary thing, it is just another part of life.

Our great leaders of the church have come out with a Parents Guide about how to talk with your children at varying different ages. It gives great counsel and is a great guide to follow. Go ahead and read, I highly recommend it. Here is the link:

There are different ways in which you can teach your children about their bodies and the procreation power. It is important to start this at a young age so that your children know early on how to treat themselves and others. Just discussing the differences between boys and girls is a good way to start.

I had amazing parents that talked with me about these matters and explained to me what changes my body was going to go through way before they happened. The taught me the proper ways to use the procreation power and also helped me when I was about to get married and start having sex. Nothing came as a surprise to me, periods, the development of breasts, or sexual matters. All was discussed prior and I am so grateful for that! I hope to be just as open and informative with my own children.

I encourage parents to get their "game plan" together NOW so that they can effectively show love and teach their children about this very important matter.

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