Friday, July 5, 2013

Work Hard, Play Hard!

In class this week we have been talking about how families work together. I believe that it is very important for parents to teach their children the value of work.

In today's society we have gotten away from the traditional ways families used to work together. Before the industrial revolution, husbands either worked on their farm, or around the house for their careers. Work and housework were one not separate things that a man does or the women takes care of, rather it was a family ordeal and they all worked together. Instead of leaving to go to work miles away, the husband would stay home and be around the family. This allowed him to be able to teach his children how to work and also allowed him to help around the house. Before children left for hours a day to attend school, they would stay around and help their parents with what ever they could handle maturity wise. The family was centered around working and living around each other.

This is not that not how families and work are today. Today with the husbands leaving for hours a day to go to work, and children going to school for the majority of the day that leaves women alone with the burden of taking care of the household chores all on her own. It is hard as a wife and a husband to teach work ethic in their families with the circumstances we have today.

Here are some ways we can still teach work ethic in the home and have fun while doing it:

  • Family Garden
  • Service Activities
  • Promote a working environment ("unplug" from technology)
  • Make chores a game
  • Show your appreciation to your kids for the work that they do. Then they will be more willing to keep helping you out knowing that you appreciate the work that you do for them.
  • Don't micromanage or be a perfectionist. Be pleased with the way your children do things.
  • Even though it might take longer or cause you more stress, let your kids help you!
  • Make work fun and enjoyable

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